I haven’t done a link round-up in a while, and there are lots of interesting things to post about, so here goes…

# First off, a warning: If you have Gmail, you might want to know about a spoof email making the rounds. There’s something like it for paypal and other sites too, so if you have an account for anything, make sure you don’t give out your username and password.

# In not-really-related malware news, there’s now a crazy Windows worm which talks to its victims. Be sure to click the link and listen to the sample (wav). It’s kind of funny in a way.

# Some guy made a series of .htc actions for Internet Explorer which allows it to have a small taste of XUL. Of course, it would be better to get the real deal and just get Firefox (because, after all, IE is good for one task only, right?).

# While on the subject of Firefox, the launch of a new website has just been announced: SpreadFirefox.com — also, Firefox is now at 1.0-preview (sooo close to 1.0)

# PyOpenOffice allows one to convert an OpenOffice.org file into a PDF. It doesn’t require OpenOffice itself to function, so it’s perfect for installing on a server for website upload-and-convert tasks or for use in a corporate environment.

# Do-it-yourself LCD virtual windows make your place look like it could be anywhere in the world. It’s stuff out of sci-fi movies (or Bill Gates’ house).

# Personal semis: Gas guzzling monster trucks.

# Monkey!