The forecast for Cambridge calls for snow this Christmas. I’m not in the Northeast, however.

Over southern Georgia, year after year, the atmostphere wishes for a snowstorm. Temperatures near the land have a different thing in mind and typically tease the residents with a not-cold-enough — yet chilly nonetheless — briskness causing the precipitation to be sleet and/or freezing rain. It happens each Christmastime, outside of a snowfall miracle (which typically happens once a decade, on average). This Christmas seems no exception to the norm. Today, the day before the big day, very cold rain pelted down as I made my way to pick up last-minute gifts just minutes before every store in the nation closed. Tomorrow’s weather will be more of the not-too-pleasant cold showers, no doubt.

In related holiday news… while driving towards southern Georgia, major plan changes (family stuff) caused us to take a non-typical route. Heading through Atlanta (and, thus, Macon as well) instead of I-95, a meeting of some of the locals was arranged. Yes, that meant driving over to meet Trae (who has a spiffy new website design) and family on the-day-before the-day-before Christmas. It was great to see Trae, Mary, and their kids again. We had pizza and brownies and talked a while before I headed to Savannah.

I’m really tired thanks to bouncing all around the country with travel lately, so it’ll be nice to get some rest for a few days. Sleeping in is good.

Merry Christmas everyone!