Monday was Patriots’ day, and it seemed that nearly everyone and their families had the day off from school, work, and any other obligation.

Marching Patriots

There were parades erupting all over the metro area, especially along the route I take to get to work. No cars or busses could get through… Not that it mattered much, anyway. On Monday, the MBTA ran on a holiday schedule, meaning that the busses pretended as though the day was Saturday… and my oft-used bus route doesn’t run on the weekend.

When I finally got to the subway by walking a maze of sidestreets (as the parade required many barriers along the way), I discovered that MBTA’s “holiday schedule” also meant the subway was running less often than typical. (The subway train stopped to a standstill when it neared work — but, to my dismay, that’s hardly odd.)

It seemed that greater than 90% of the Boston area was out enjoying the wonderful spring weather, travelling around the city, watching parades, and viewing (or even participating) in the Boston Marathon. One would think public transportation would be running much more frequent and effiecent than on a typical day — instead, it was the exact opposite.

I did get a nice walk to the subway and did snap a couple of quick pics while walking to work. The photo above is the most interesting of the few.

(I’m still not really used to Boston and its quirky ways.)