Blog posts

More Title Modifications

Yes, I’ve updated the title image again. Hopefully most will see this as an improvement (hi Trae!).As always, I will probably never be done messing with it. *grin*

Free Software Leaders Stand Together

There’s a great article posted on Bruce Perens’ website. It’s written by Bruce and signed by many high-uppers in the Linux community. You should really check it out as it’s an excellent read.Feel free to post comments and have a discusson here, if you’d like.

New version of LinuxArt!

You’re looking at the new and improved version of I finally mustered together a couple of hours to update the thing, and here’s the result.In addition to an improved interface, you also have the infamous feature of posting comments, thanks to a bit of recycled code (thanks Trae!) and...


It’s finally here! See what I’ve been working tirelessly on for a while now. (:

Lizard information

Simon K. sent me an e-mail with some information about the lizard I photographed the other day. A few interesting facts about the lizard you photographed: He’s a green anole (anolis carolinensis), and you’re right in assuming it’s a he. Male anoles are easily recognized from the small red line...

Lizard Pics

I happened to be walking downstairs, looked out the window, and saw a little green lizard sitting on the stair’s railings. Quickly, I darted upstairs, snagged my camera, and quietly headed downstairs and out the door. I managed to take several pictures of the lizard up close and “personal”, before...

12 Things I Hate About Moz

Okay, I’ve done it. I’ve actually linked my most hated Mozilla bugs from my page. Hopefully these will all be resolved by 0.9 (one can wish). At least, they should be eradicated by the big 1.0. These are all bugs I consider somewhat severe. You can find it under “other...