Blog posts

Genießen des Bieres in Deutschland

I’ve been in Germany for the past week, plus a few days. Early tomorrow (Monday), I’m flying back to the US.Even though the trip has been primarily for work, I did manage to sqeeze in a few days of excellent photo shooting action. Expect to see some really cool shots...

Recent photographic experiences with my 30D

I visited Parts of Cape Ann last weekend, including an amazing place called Hammond Castle, once home to the famous John Hays Hammond Jr. (inventor of the Hammond organ, the remote control, and many other things).(Note: You can click on any picture to see more details, see it larger, post...

Boston area interestingness

Now that it’s spring again, I’d like to explore New England some more. Does anyone have any awe-inspiring or interesting favorite places to recommend?Any suggestions within Boston all the way to a short day trip from the city (a few hours drive) would work fine.Also, if the place is conducively...

When everything shuts down

Monday was Patriots’ day, and it seemed that nearly everyone and their families had the day off from school, work, and any other obligation. Marching PatriotsThere were parades erupting all over the metro area, especially along the route I take to get to work. No cars or busses could get...

The 30D

My new Canon 30D is quite nice. I haven’t had much time to play with it just yet; hopefully tomorrow will allow for that.It’s definitely a great upgrade from the D60.

Unpausing my ‘blog

So many things happened since my last post… I worked with Nico Kaiser to make a port of the Tango icons to Firefox (and also added some nice UI tweaks to Firefox while I was at it) Canon announced the 30D, and I’m upgrading (when they finally are available in...

Attention! I have a new phone number

Until approximately an hour ago, I had the same phone number for several years (approximately 3/4 of a decade). Now, I have a new phone number. If you want to know it, do the following: Type the following into your browser’s location bar: My first name and last name (without...

Our recent nor’easter

Snow fell all Sunday, leaving the Boston area under at least 17.5 inches of the powdery stuff (according to a swiftly disappearing page on With the help of wind, snow drifts may be taller than the official reading.Since we woke up with lots of snow at our doors (and...

Posting pictures again

Little luminous jellyfishI’m posting pictures again, this time on Flickr. It’s been really nice so far — I can easily upload any picture I’ve taken from any time (over the past several years). Unlike the custom gallery I wrote, it’s very flexible and easy to maintain. Pachyderm poserI’m also working...

Things change overnight

Last night, I went to bed and it was an ordinary Sunday night. This morning, when I woke up, there was a bunch of snow outside — and snow is steadily falling still. It’s a little hard to believe that I was actually in short sleeves this past weekend.I think...