Blog posts

First snow of the year in Boston

Up here in the Boston area, we got our first snowfall of the season. It started this morning with the largest flakes I’ve seen, and it has been continuing all throughout the day, causing nearly everything to be covered in white. The snowfall will continue throughout the night, according to...

My website now works in IE (again)!

It’s not that important for a majority of my visitors, but for those few who do view it through the ever-so-buggy Internet Explorer, my website will now display quite similar to the way it looks in pretty much every other browser.Usually, I make sure that sites work well in both...

Design clichés

If you’ve ever made graphics for any length of time, there’s no doubt that you have either encountered (or, most likely, produced) at least a few design clichés.

Tuomas’ neat icon-helping find

Today, Tuomas figured out that gnopernicus, an odd-sounding, useful accessibility tool for GNOME, can be super-useful for artists, especially those using Inkscape.I played around with it on my ThinkPad at work today and found that shoving it to the strip on the side of my 1600×1200 screen seemed to be...

Mono website

I haven’t mentioned it yet, but the Mono Project got a new website rather recently. It happened when I helped them upgrade to a new version of MediaWiki and then made a nice theme for their site. A bit of the content got rearranged too. All-in-all, it was a fun...

VMware in SUSE Linux 10

Joe, when I first tried to set up VMware on my SUSE 10 machine last week, it bombed out in a similar manner. I then searched a bit and found an interesting link in one of the support forums that referenced a Novell “Cool Solution” which, if step through, made...

Search history in bash

This is another quick tip: to search typed history at a bash prompt, hit control-r and start typing a command you used previously. It doesn’t have to start with what is typed, as it returns matches which contain the searched text.Hit control-r again (while searching), and it will jump back...

Super-useful inputrc

You either want to place the following in ~/.inputrc or /etc/inputrc… I’ve found that while ~/.inputrc works sometimes, it doesn’t on all systems. <br />"\e[1~": beginning-of-line<br />"\e[4~": end-of-line<br />"\e[5~": beginning-of-history<br />"\e[6~": end-of-history<br />"\e[3~": delete-char<br />"\e[2~": quoted-insert<br />"\e[5C": forward-word<br />"\e[5D": backward-word<br />"\e\e[C": forward-word<br />"\e\e[D": backward-word<br />set completion-ignore-case On<br />All lines except...

Bits of Tango clarification

Slashdot got it nearly right, but a bit wrong: the Tango Project is about unifying the Open Source desktop, but it isn’t by Steven Garrity and Jakub Steiner alone. Steven and Jakub presented it at the GNOME Summit in Boston over the weekend, but Rodney Dawes, Tuomas Kuosmanen, Anna Dirks...

Tango Project!

In addition to BetterDesktop, the Tango Project has finally been announced!“[The Tango Desktop Project]( exists to create a consistent user experience for free and Open Source software with graphical user interfaces.” A few Tango-style iconsJakub has a great post which explains Tango more in-depth.