Blog posts

Color correction plugin for the gimp

I was browsing around at the Gimp plugin registry and found something very interesting: a color correction plugin for the Gimp.In fiddling with it, I can see that this can actually be useful, as many of the color-correcting features are located all in one plugin, and this makes it easier...

Digital vs. 35mm shoot-out

I found an interesting write-up on Norman Koren’s website about digital versus 35mm cameras.He arrives at similar conclusions as the author of the Luminous Landscape does when it comes to the Canon D60, and backs it up with some interesting tidbits of information as well. Basically, Norman says that the...

Limitations of the C3030Z

I recently found a page on that shows off some of the limitations of the Olympus C3030z, the camera I currently use.Between problems like those and the fact that my camera has always had issues reading flash cards off and on, I’m really looking forward to getting a new...

Spider Wars

I finally made it out to the movie theater this morning and saw both Spider-Man and Star Wars II. Both are good movies, and each are the type of movies that are great on the big screen.I do have to say that my favorite two parts are where Yoda uses...


I’m probably one of the last people with a web page and multiple e-mail addresses who still has not seen Spider-Man. Everyone keeps telling me how it is actually a good (if not great) movie.What do you think? Should I go see it? Hit the link and post some comments...

Site theme updates

I am now using “BlueClouds” as the default theme for my website. Also, I have updated the “WebBlagh” theme.Both, and more, can be found under the pref area.

Good-bye Rep.

I have left Sawfish in the dust. Having recently switched to Metacity, I have found that I am actually loving it.It’s great! Metacity has the least amount of crack of any usable window manager I’ve seen. It works; it’s fast; and it uses GTK+. However, not everything is roses right...

Red Hat stuff.

Well, I’m sure that you have heard by now that Red Hat Linux 7.3 has been released. You should check it out, as I managed to get some graphics and themes in the release.I have also been working on Red Hat Network, which is a service that lets you upgrade...

Camera review

Wow. I just read a review of the Canon D60 that makes me want one of the things. It looks rather nice, and the guy suggests that the time that digital cameras can replace 35mm has now arrived. The thing is 2,000 USD, so if I was to get it,...