Blog posts

Photos: Sidewalk Art

I was visiting Savannah for the weekend, and a sidewalk art festival was being held in Forsyth Park that Saturday. Naturally, I took a lot of pictures. There are about 500 total.Check out the set: Sidewalk Art

Good user interfaces

Havoc recently wrote an article about developing good user interfaces for free software, with Gnome as a focus. It’s an interesting read if you are either a developer or a user of any free software.As he posted the link on Advogato, there is already a discussion brewing.It’s interesting stuff. You...

Internet access

As of this past Wednesday, I have a cable modem at my apartment. This is great news, and, to celebrate, I plan on uploading some pictures to my website this weekend. I might also go venture out around the Raleigh area with my camera ready as well.

New job, new pad, new laptop

Well, today’s the day. I got a job with Red Hat, as a graphic designer. I just moved up to North Carolina as well!I recently got a new laptop, too — an Apple TiBook.

What’s the scoop?

Yes, I haven’t updated my page in a little bit. Sorry. I have been busy. I will fill in some details a little later, but to sum things up in a few words: laptop, job, new photos, moving.I will shed some more light on things in a bit. (:

Hooray for FedEx!

Today, I heard a ring on the doorbell and found a large, yet mostly empty box waiting outside my front door. I thanked the FedEx lady as she walked back to her van, and hurridly took the box in, anxious to see the little cards I had ordered not but...

Blast from the past

I have ported over another previous layout of to my new site theme infrastructure. It is called “BlueClouds”, and should be instantly be familliar to anyone who has been following my site for more than a few months.As always, it is accessable in the preference area. Select “BlueClouds” from...

The SmartMedia adventure

I finally did it. I bought two 128 megabyte smartmedia memory cards for my camera.The largest storage I have for my camera (at this time), a 64M smartmedia card, has been more than a little limiting. Granted, I have a 32M and also an 8M that still work too, but...

New screenshot

At several people’s requests, I have taken a screenshot of my website using anti-aliased fonts. In addition to showing off how nice the text is rendered, I decided that it would be a good idea to also showcase my site themes as well.You can view the new screenshot (285k) in...