Blog posts

Utah – it’s not that far anymore!

Wow. According to Wikipedia, Utah is not that far from Massachusetts. If it’s where they claim it is (according to the map), I could drive to Provo in six and a half hours. Evidence (in case someone over at Wikipedia notices): <a href="""></a>Fun.

Camera battery status update

According to the non-scientific tests done at the office on Monday and Tuesday, I have pretty much determined that the camera energy crisis is due to what seems like faulty batteries.Since I have five batteries of three different brands, all purchased at four different times, I believe that there are...

Priority text in Firefox

Mike Rhodes sent me email to point out Phil Wilson’s weblog entry concerning priority text in Firefox. It may make sense to actually have the Industrial Firefox theme do this by default if the icons are set to small and “no text”, as other programs in GNOME do this as...

Intelligent RSS/Atom feed reader

There are a ton of feed readers (supporting RSS and Atom), but none are smart enough yet. The best of the best only go as far as to aggregate and display the lot in one merged stream. Others only provide a multi-stream interface.What I want in the next-gen feed reader...

Camera problems!

I went out to take a few pictures today (right before the sun went down), and noticed that my camera batteries are going from something that seems fully charged to completely empty within a couple minutes. All of my BP-511s were “fully charged” according to my charger.The batteries getting drained...

New York: before and after

There’s a neat project (by a guy named Douglas Levere) called New York Changing. Basically, he re-photographed areas of New York based on an old bunch of photos. His shots used very similar angles, lighting, equipment, and techniques so that the effects of time on the city could be clearly...

“It’s all ungreek to me”

Ungreek is a tool to generate text filler alternatives to the often used lorem ipsum. Of course, if you want more control (like even more source texts — including arbitrary ones), then there’s the always-fun DadaDodo.All of the above is pretty useful, especially when needing filler for mockups, website templates,...


This post is just a little plug for #photography, the photography channel on us using your favorite IRC client to discuss anything and everything related to photography (film and digital, dslr and point & shoot, etc.).If you don’t know much about IRC (Internet Relay Chat) but want to chat...

Comment spam

I had way too much comment spam, so I added a bunch of comment plugins to defeat the spam. They all seemed to work for a while, although I thought there may have been a drop in comments, but just shrugged it off to an overactive imagination.Unfortunately, one of them...