Blog posts

New Photos: “United We Sand”

Today I drove down to the local beach to take some pictures. I saw many interesting things, like shells, more shells, even more shells, an American “Christmas tree”, a sandcastle, barnacles, interesting sand and water formations, and an overly energetic dog named “Odie”.Did I mention that I while I was...

New Photos & Archive Gallery Updates!

I took a ton of pictures of the downtown area yesterday. They’re now available here on the site in the Walkabout photo archive gallery.Also, I have updated my photo archive gallery with various new features and modified layouts. In addition to sporting a few new spiffy tweaks, it has multi-page...

Hopefully I’m Still on the ‘Net

Today is the fateful day where @Home may meet its demise. As Comcast@Home is my ISP, I hope that things will work. If @Home is shut down, Comcast should have an alternate network in place. If not, they suggest a backup of using NetZero, a “free” Windows-only (excluding Windows 2000...

Continual Construction

The Internet is in a constant state of flux. When people usually talk about the several Terrabytes of information available on the ‘Net, they’re talking about the Internet at any one given time. Over the course of its history, the Internet has spawned new services, functions, and ways of reevaluating...

Happy T-Day!

Have a happy Thanksgiving!I had a lot of wonderful food at my parents’ house. I really love the holidays (and every other day) when my mom cooks, as she’s a great chef. Whenever Christmas or Thanksgiving rolls around, and my she is cooking, you know it can’t be beat.How was...

Leonid Shower

In case you did not know, or have simply forgotten, the Leonid Meteor Shower is starting tonight. Make sure you get outside, away from city lights, and witness this event! It is supposedly the best since 1966 and will be the most awesome one until 2099. It starts around midnight...

Boston, By Car

Recently, I visited Boston for a fly-in meeting @ OSDN. Anyway, I took pictures of the foliage along the way. Unfortunately, as it was more of a quick jaunt up to the offices, I didn’t have time to actually get out and explore. I did what I could, so I...

100% Cotton

So, I had to drive up near Statesboro at the end of last month. I stopped to take a few pictures of a cotton field, as I figured it would be something interesting. There aren’t as many pictures as a usual set has, but some of them are interesting.If you...

Site Revision

I’m back from Boston. My cable modem is also back up (it went down while I was up there — I had very limited access via dial-up for almost a week as a result).Anyway, I figured I would push live a few site revisions that I’ve made recently. Nothing much,...